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Sardich MC, in cooperation with the Employment Agency of the Republic of Macedonia, has started a preliminary process of selecting future employees in the Kazandol Mine Complex.

The first selection of candidates will be carried out through the employee search mediation project, where the selection will first and foremost favor the residents of the Municipality of Valandovo, followed by those living in the surrounding region, taking into account the Municipalities of Bogdanci and Dojran.

After completing the selection procedure, the candidates will undergo a training process in the Kazandol Complex itself, lead by renowned specialists from Outotec, Finland, and other training courses and skills related to the work process of the Mine Complex.

As a company we offer exceptional working conditions, a clean and healthy work environment, the highest occupational safety and health standards, a team atmosphere, great financial work conditions, and excellent possibilities for improvement and career advancement.

Therefore, we invite all interested citizens who wish to be part of the team of the Kazandol Mining Complex to contact the Valandovo branch office of the Employment Agency of Macedonia or the offices of Sardich MC’s Subsidiary in Pirava, open on business days, for all necessary information regarding the procedure and the recruitment application.


Contact person: Zora Todorovska, phone no.: 071 500 690